It's funny how we can procrastinate on the things that our conscience knows we should be working on. Instead of Jiminy Cricket whispering in my ear for the past seventeen years, I have had a little dude named Leaf Boy constantly popping up in my mind and whispering reminders, telling me to write.
While going through some old boxes, I found my first written thoughts for "The Adventures of Leaf Boy". On battered kid's doodle paper while on a family trip to Aspen, Colorado, in December of 2004, I came up with my protagonist for my first book.
Why I wrote 1920 after the title, I have no idea? Perhaps it was going to take place in 1920? My mind goes a hundred miles a minute when writing; I doodle and write anything and everything that comes to mind. Sometimes my handwritten writings look like parts of a map containing words and doodles that make no sense, which becomes a mystery that I have to solve later, searching for more parts.
It's crazy that it took fifteen years for me to finally buckle down and, with the help of my oldest daughter to finish my first rough draft of "The Adventures of Leaf Boy" in July of 2019.
Makes me think how quickly the years pass, especially when you are raising children. However, I wouldn't have done it any other way. I loved the days when my children were small; those years are some of the best in my life. I was a Mom that dreaded the day school started. I wanted my kids home at all times, because we had so much fun! Obviously, I am still a child at heart; adult life is too complicated and scary at times.
Writing brings me back to my carefree childhood days. When I have time to sit down and write, I look forward to getting lost in adventures and stories that pop into my mind. I can't believe that now I have the time to do this every day! I cannot wait until the day my stories are published, and I can share them with others.